HeppSY celebrating The Sheffield College achieving national careers advice quality mark
The Sheffield College has achieved a national quality mark for the careers education, information, advice and guidance provided to its students, helped by their collaboration with the Higher Education Progression Partnership South Yorkshire (HeppSY).
HeppSY is part of the Uni Connect Programme, funded by the Office for Students, to help school and college students aged 13-19 in South Yorkshire, who are most at risk of missing out on higher education.
The Sheffield College has been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard for demonstrating a consistently high standard of practice, according to a report published recently.
Meeting the standard has involved providing evidence to demonstrate that the following criteria have been met:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Engagement with employers and employees
- Experience of the workplace
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
The College, which met all of the criteria, is believed to be the first further education provider in Sheffield City Region to achieve the award.
One of the key strengths identified for Gatsby Benchmark 1 (stable careers programme) was “good links with external agencies including HeppSY, Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Enterprise Academy and access to the alumni community through Future First.”
HeppSY was referenced for Gatsby Benchmark 3 (addressing the needs of each student) “Excellent support provided by partners for widening participation into Higher Education (e.g. HeppSY and Uni Connect). Activities include visits to universities, guest speakers and outreach activities”.
For Gatsby Benchmark 7 (encounters with further and higher education) the assessor reported viewing good examples of learning objectives and activities delivered by HeppSY. A key strength identified was: “Range of events delivered by HeppSY with details and impact shown on evidence TSC Delivery Plan 2018-19. Activity type and key details listed with total numbers of students in attendance, including those within targeted groups.”
Sabrina McKetty-Edwards, Higher Education Engagement Assistant at The Sheffield College said: “I was based in The Sheffield College to help students make an informed decision about higher education. I have delivered sessions around student finance and student life as well as organising subject taster sessions and planning trips off college campus.
“The careers team have been a huge help with how successful and well received the HeppSY project has been in the college. It has been a rewarding experience and the students have all been receptive during their career sessions.”
Sarah Kettlewell, Head of Student Participation and Careers, The Sheffield College, said: “Ensuring that our students receive accurate and independent careers information, advice and guidance to help them go further is vital. We are proud of our success.
“The assessor thought the collaborative approach and how the HeppSY programme is fully embedded in the College Careers Service was fantastic”
This is the second national careers quality award that the College has achieved this academic year. The College also received the Matrix Quality Standard for information, advice and guidance services in November 2019.