One to one guidance gets 100% positive feedback!
100% of students found one to one guidance useful to them!
Recent feedback from Higher Education Progression Adviser appointments has demonstrated the value of personalised career guidance to HeppSY students.
These appointments form part of the core offer for schools and colleges and are delivered by a Level 6 qualified careers adviser, therefore contributing to the institution meeting Gatsby Benchmark 8. Fifty respondents completed a short survey following their personalised appointment in December 2019 and the results can be seen in the pie charts. Respondents were a mixture of year 11s and Year 13s coming from seven different institutions. Each student was given the options: strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree to each statement.
Most encouraging are the statistics showing that following the appointments:
– 100% agreed they felt clearer about the career and education options open to them
– 100% agreed that the advice and guidance will be useful to them in the future with 68% strongly agreeing
– 93% were more likely to apply to Higher Education in the future
Additional comments included:
“I like learning new things. I received lots of advice. It helped me out a lot.”
“Helped me figure out how to apply and what certain requirements mean.”
“Rachel was extremely helpful, talking in all information given and finding the best ways to solve any problems I have and gave advice that was very useful”
Key points of contact are encouraged to contact their HE Progression Adviser to discuss how the support can benefit their institution. You can contact Caroline on for further details on the findings.