How can you meet Gatsby 7?

Thursday 16th May 2019

The Gatsby bench mark that many schools and colleges across the country are finding a challenge to meet is Gatsby 7. This benchmark is ‘Encounters with further and higher education’.

The Gatsby foundation summarises this as:

“All pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and workplaces.” 

In the State of the Nation 2018 report (Careers and Enterprise Company) it was reported that only 12.5% of schools had achieved this benchmark, 73% had partially achieved it with 14.4% of schools not achieving it at all.

To meet the benchmark by the end of year 11 students should have had ‘a meaningful encounter’ with the full range of learning providers. This can include colleges, 6th forms, training providers and universities. The benchmark helps students to understand their full range of options open to them after year 11, how the options may differ and which could be most appropriate for them and their future career plans.

In looking at meeting this benchmark there are a range of different activities that can be offered. To best meet the needs of all pupils it is useful to cover a range of different providers including traditional and non-traditional routes. This benchmark can also help schools to raise pupils’ aspirations by bringing them into contact with providers they traditionally would not have met.

Ways to meet this benchmark:

Things to consider:

For students at college and 6th form they should have had at least 2 visits to universities. A visit can help a young person to consider if university is potentially for them and by visiting more than 1 university if can start to show how providers differ and begin to help their decision making.

Potential opportunities for university visits:

Things to think about:

Effectively meeting the benchmarks:

Further sources of information: – Gatsby toolkit -Track your progress towards meeting the benchmarks