National Careers Week 2020

Friday 7th February 2020

This year National Careers week is running from 2nd-6th March and is the opportunity to raise the profile of Careers across your school or college.

The National Careers week website provides a range of resources that you can use in your institution to engage learners.

There is also a section of the website dedicated to National Careers week 2020:

They have a selection of resources you might find useful to promote the week including:

Additional ideas you can use:

National Careers week is a great opportunity to get all staff and students engaged with thinking about their career journey and all of their future opportunities. You can also use #NCW2020 to promote further your activities and see what other institutions are doing. The HeppSY Twitter account will be keeping you up to date with everything HeppSY is doing during the week @HeppSYplus

HEPA National Careers Week